
Jun 10, 2011 | Physiotherapy, Treatments


Physiotherapists are occupied with medical conditions that cause musculosceletal disorders  and affect physical activities.

Such conditions can be:

  • Low back pain (lumbago)
  • Sciatica
  • Spondyloarthritis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia

Physiotherapy is applied at the stage of conservative treatment and can be combined with pharmacotherapy. The aim of physiotherapy is to limit pain and allow the patient to resume soon his/her physical activities with the least possible dependence on medication.
When conservative treatment fails, the patient moves to the next stage of a proper therapeutic approach which is non-surgical minimally invasive pain treatment.

Physiotherapy helps to reduce inflammation, muscle spasm and pain, while at the same time increases range of motion, muscle strength and mobility.


The physiotherapeutic program applied to the patient is designed by the therapist physician or the physiotherapist, and  is different for every patient depending on his/her disorder and individual particularities. Therapies are divided in active and passive. Active physiotherapies require the patient’s active participation, whereas passive physiotherapies do not.

  • Active therapies

These include strengthening exercises, as well as exercises improving the patient’s flexibility and aerobic capacity.

  • Passive therapies

These include therapies with application of ultrasounds, diathermy, laser and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). The above therapies are combined with massage, muscle and spine traction, kinesiotherapy and  ice therapy.

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