A superior hypogastric plexus block is used to treat pelvic pain that is resistant to conservative drug therapy. It is also indicated when, despite the efficacy of pharmacotherapy, there are many intolerable drug side-effects (nausea, constipation, sedation etc).
Superior hypogastric plexus is a retroperitoneal structure located bilaterally exactly in front of the spine, between the lower third of the 5th lumbar vertebra and the upper third of the 1st sacral vertebra. It is composed of pelvic visceral afferent and efferent sympathetic nerve fibres, branches of the aortic plexus and branches of the visceral nerves. Due to its position, it innervates the majority of pelvic viscera (bladder, urethra, uterus, vulva, vagina, perineum, prostate, penis, testes, rectum and descending colon). Pain originating from the above mentioned organs, due to either benign or malignant aetiology, is very likely to be relieved with the superior hypogastric plexus block.
• Urethra
• Bladder
• Uterus
• Vagina
• Vulva
• Perineum
• Prostate
• Penis
• Testes
• Rectum
• Descending colon
• Cancer metastases
• Εndometriosis
• Irradiation-induced lesions
The patient is placed in the prone position with a cushion under the pelvis to reduce the normal lumbar lordosis of the spine. Under local anaesthesia in the acupuncture site, with the patient in conscious sedation and with the use of fluoroscopy, the needle is advanced to the proper site right in front of the spine between the lower third of the 5th lumbar vertebra and the upper third of the 1st sacral vertebra. The exact site of the needle is confirmed by injecting contrast medium. The same is done also from the other side of the spine.
After confirming the proper site of the tip of both needles, a drug solution is administered for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons. Following the same technique, radiofrequency can be applied to the plexus for its full deactivation. Before applying radiofrequency, a diagnostic block with local anaesthetic precedes to confirm the patient’s pain relief. Radiofrequency therapy prolongs the therapeutic result for a long period of time.
Alternatively, plexus neurolysis can be performed with alcohol infusion to ablate the plexus. However, the alcohol diffusion at the neurolysis site is uneven and special caution is needed so as not to harm the neighbouring tissues. On the contrary, radiofrequency neurolysis is absolutely targeted at the site of its application.
Superior hypogastric plexus block is a minimally invasive technique that is very effective in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain, particularly of pain secondary to malignant diseases. Published studies from international literature, support the efficacy of this technique also in the treatment of pelvic pain of benign aetiology originating from organs with afferent nerve fibres to the superior hypogastric plexus.
The risk in this technique is very low. In fact, only one severe complication is reported in the whole international literature. In 200 patients who underwent superior hypogastric plexus block for the treatment of pelvic pain due to cancer metastases, no complication was observed (Mexican Institute of Cancer, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center).
Probable risks and complications are infection, bleeding, injury of neighbouring organs, injury of iliac vessels and peripheral ischaemia.
Plancarte et al (1990) have shown that 70% of patients suffering from chronic pelvic pain of malignant aetiology who underwent superior hypogastric plexus block, reported significant pain relief according to the visual analogue scale. In 1993, De Leon-Casasola et al reported, after completing a study, that patients who had undergone successful superior hypogastric plexus block cut down on their consumption of opioids by 50% for the following three weeks.
In 1998, Rosenberg et al reported a case where analgesia was achieved for more than 6 months in a patient who had been suffering from chronic non-malignant pelvic pain after transurethral prostatectomy. Another published case report in 2001 mentioned the successful treatment of resistant anal pain from metastatic cervical cancer, by applying a combination of ganglion IMPAR block and superior hypogasric plexus block. At least two more studies have demonstrated significant relief from chronic pelvic pain due to endometriosis when superior hypogastric plexus block was performed.
The duration of the result varies from some weeks to even several years and is not predictable. Radiofrequency neurolysis offers longer duration of analgesia compared to block with local anaesthetic. Due to very few risks and complications, block/ neurolysis can be repeated as many times as necessary if the result is satisfactory but the duration of analgesia is short.
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